Terms Of Service


Every coaching session is scheduled in advance. If you don’t show up, and don’t give me adequate notice (at least 48 hours) that you need to reschedule, then then you’ll still be charged for the session that you missed.


I don’t offer refunds for my coaching sessions, classes, workshops, e-books, or anything else that I create. If you’re not sure about hiring me or purchasing a product—or if you’re worried it won’t be a good investment—then please hold off. Don’t purchase anything hastily. Please take plenty of time to familiarize yourself with my blog and social media content (you’ll get a good sense of my personality there)


Every coaching session is 100% confidential. I won’t share your personal info with anyone, ever. If you sign up for my mailing list, or share anything with me via email, that’s confidential information, too.


If you see something on my website that resonates with you—like a blog post— and you want to re-publish something that I wrote on your own website, that’s great! I’m honored that you like my work. However, please email me first at keisha@keishadixonthetappingqueen.com to get permission before using my work. I appreciate it.


My classes and workshops are safe, positive, encouraging spaces. Bigotry won’t be tolerated. Snarky gossip won’t be tolerated. Nor will negative attitudes and posts be tolerated.  Every student takes a vow of confidentiality. We’re all here to learn from one another and grow, and what happens inside the room… stays in the room. Whether the room is virtual or live. This includes any online groups you may participate in that I am hosting.


Content created and/or purchased is for the buyer’s personal use only. Duplication or reproduction of the material is expressly prohibited.


I make no guarantees of financial results. I am not a lawyer, accountant, physician, or psychiatrist. I’ve been trained to provide guidance, emotional support, and encouragement— and to help clients reach their personal goals—but I can’t diagnose or treat illnesses or give legal/tax advice.